Individual Therapy
There are so many reasons why people seek out counselling and therapy. A person can feel like their life is in complete disorder and chaos, leaving them helpless to do anything about it. Someone may feel that they are coping well but there is just one area of life that needs to be worked on or changed.
There may be new changes in life and the old ways of dealing with things is just not helping. There is no right or wrong reason or specific criteria to seek out support through therapy, it always comes down to you and how you are feeling and how you are coping. At Transformative Counselling in Hamilton, we work together to meet you and your needs.
Hamilton Therapy
Since you are reading this then there is probably something in your life that is just not right. Maybe you know exactly what it is and need help to get started or perhaps you have no idea why you are feeling the way you are feeling and need help to identify what is wrong. You could be in a relationship but not sure whether or not this person is for you and would like help to discern the situation. Whatever the reason you are reading this we can work on it together. We can Identify your needs and goals to get you where you want to be. Sometimes the hardest part is just taking the first step.
Possible areas of therapy:
Grief & Loss
Traumatic experiences
Post Traumatic Stress
Self Esteem
Family of Origin issues
Relationship Issues
Substance Use
Porn addiction
Binge Eating
Excessive shopping
Gaming or Internet
At Transformative Counselling, counselling and psychotherapy is suited to your needs and goals. We work together to address what you need in your life and how to find that healing and change so life can be more about living and not just surviving. Life does not always need to be a fight.
If you are in the Hamilton area, and need to speak to a professional, please reach out to Transformative Counselling